Friday, February 23, 2018

"Shipwrecked" a song about a relationship is a witty ditty from the blues capital of the world:: Eugene  There they go again off on their shameless self-promotion music tour, Downtown Vinnie and SmartyPants sing their hearts out in this witty ditty from the blues capital of the world Eugene Oregon where a plethora of all things musician thrives.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What the Trump administration wants to cut Medicaid, funds for people with disabilities and people with Preexisting conditions

From the ARC national:
The Trump Administration released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget Request on Feb. 12. This document outlines the Administration's spending and revenue priorities for the next decade. Among the many proposed cuts of concern to the disability community are:
  • Medicaid would be drastically cut through per capita caps and block grants. In addition, the President's Budget assumes the repeal of critical provisions such as the requirements for adequate benefits and affordable health plans that protect people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) would be cut by roughly $70 billion.
  • Developmental Disabilities (DD) Act Programs would see double-digit cuts - State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (-23%), University Centers for Excellence in Disabilities (-13%), and Projects of National Significance (-90%).
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) would lose $213 billion, a reduction of 30%.
  • Housing programs would lose $6.8 billion, including major cuts in housing choice vouchers, public housing, and other vital programs for people with disabilities.
Though the President's Budget Request does not have the force of law, it can set the stage for the Congressional budgets which follow. The Senate has indicated that it will not consider an
FY 2019 budget due to the recent budget deal to raise spending caps for defense and non-defense discretionary programs, however, it is unclear if the House intends to do so. Click here to see proposed spending levels for discretionary programs in the President's FY 2019 Budget Request. Click here to read The Arc's statement.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Oregon author publishes book "The Eve Chronicles" about a story in Oregon

Check out my book page on Goodreads site click here
From my profile page:
 I grew up in Wisconsin and moved up to mid-WI to live on a farm near Marion. I learned how to live off the land, growing our own food and milking goats, raising bees and we had lots of dogs and cats.
I became a tree camp cook for a crew of tree planters and worked all over the south, seeing the beauty of the forests in Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. I then moved West to Oregon to work as a forester apprentice working all over in Oregon's national forest. My work took me into wilderness areas near John Day and to the Wallowa Mountains near Joseph Oregon.
I lived the life of a nomad, moving our camp every few weeks whenever we finished taking inventory of the forests trees, shrubs, and grasses.
I eventually came back to social serves and landed a job at the University of Oregon Semi-Independent Living Program as an outreach worker providing support to a dozen developmentally disabled adults living in their own apartments. The non-profit was formed and the birth of Oregon Supported Living Progam occurred and it turned out to be the top progressive agency in the Northwest. It was rather ironic that I became disabled myself by Multiple Sclerosis and was forced to retire.
So one day I pulled down a box of my journals and started reading. I found them amusing and started writing them up into three books. "From the Waters of Coyote Springs" was about my forestry days. "Felix and Eve" is about when Eve finds a job as a live-in caregiver for a man recovering from by-pass surgery. He hires her for the summer. He's a grumpy person who she eventually smooths like the stones in the river. He tells her stories every night while they play cards. He tells her about the good old days when he worked for the notorious gangster Al Capone.
The third book "The Arrangement" is about the now retired, baby boomer Eve, who now owns property on Moon Mt in Eugene. Vinnie an old friend lives in his yurt in her backyard. Every year she gets the same letter with the same skeleton key and she flies down to Catalina Island to care for her former lover who has Multiple Sclerosis.
Vinnie stays behind and caretakes her gardens and flower beds. Vinnie is in love with Eve but remains silent.